
Sweden’s primary news source

Aftonbladet is Sweden’s primary news destination, where everything starts and ends with journalism. Our vision is to make Sweden a little better, the world a little more understandable and life a little easier. Aftonbladet is the news media with the greatest reach in a secure publicistic environment and offers new and creative ad formats close to journalism. With our newly started verticals and ad formats, we also strengthen advertisers’ interest in being in the right, secure context.

Bild för Aftonbladet

“The role of Aftonbladet has never been as important as it is now. In an uncertain world, we are there to monitor the biggest news events every day, 24 hours a day, all year round. In addition, in our verticals we offer a mix of inspiring content within everything from health, food and drink to personal finances. We also have Sweden’s strongest sports coverage, so that Aftonbladet will continue to be Sweden’s primary source of news that gathers millions of people every day.”

Lena K Samuelsson,  Publisher at Aftonbladet

The following ad formats are available on Aftonbladet