Display specifications

To ensure that your advertising works optimally without problems with either ad submission or design, it is important that you follow Schibsted’s guidelines and ad specifications. Below, you will find relevant information about each channel, regardless of whether this concerns print or digital advertising.


  • Remember that all of the resources required for an ad must be included in the maximum weight, e.g. javascript, images, fonts & style sheets. This also applies to third-party materials.
  • The total number of resources must be limited to 15.
  • All advertising must be secure (HTTPS), which means that all ad calls must be made via the HTTPS protocol and the domains must have valid SSL certificates.
  • All questions and materials should be sent to adoperations@schibsted.se
  • All materials must fulfil specific requirements, unless otherwise agreed.
  • All advertising material must be delivered at least 3 working days before publication (5 days for special formats, e.g. Takeover & Outstream).

You have any questions about the specifications, please contact Ad Operations
We are staffed from 08:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday.


This specification is intended for producers of advertising material based on HTML5 and which will be used for digital advertising at Schibsted. The following guidelines are important for the success of the campaign and its delivery. Therefore materials that do not follow the guidelines will not be approved. For specific weights and sizes, see specification under each product.

  • All connections must be made through https.
    It is not allowed to break out of iframes, so called framebusting.
  • We recommend that the material makes a maximum of 15 requests (images, JS library, fonts, etc.)
  • For light or white backgrounds, the material must have a black 1px border.
  • Do not use animations that take a lot of computer power, e.g. javascript-animated snowfall.
  • Animations must not be longer than 30 seconds.
  • Use CCS animations instead of Javascript animations as much as possible.
  • The material must not take over the scroll function of the page.
  • Please note that all resources are included in the ad weight without cache.
  • If video is to be used in the advertisement, see further information under Video in Banner.

We recommend that 100% of the ad space is clickable.
Click on ad must open in a new window / tab.

Schibsted tests all ads before approval, this includes testing the performance of advertising material on simulated systems. If you follow the guidelines above, the material should work as it should and thus be approved. If you choose to produce your own HTML5 ads without the help of our certified production companies, however, it is your responsibility to ensure that the ad works. If the material does not work as intended, we place the material on a test page and the url is then sent back to the production agency for our own tests.

On Schibsted’s sites, the ads are run in a so-called safeframe. This is done to protect the user from attacks performed through advertisements. In short, Safeframe means that the ad cannot access the rest of the site without the site’s permission. For the advertiser, this means that the ad e.g. can not see its position on the page. For more information on how to measure viewability with safeframe, please refer to IAB’s guidelines.

Click for external browser from app
Schibsted’s apps open all links in an internal browser in the app. This is done so that the user can return to the app as smoothly as possible after visiting the ad landing page. If you as an advertiser want to link to the phone’s regular browser, you can do so with the example code below.

<script src=”https://acdn.adnxs.com/mobile/anjam/anjam.js”></script> <div id=”banner” onclick=”openLink()”></div> <script> var clickTag = “https://example.com”; function openLink() { if (anjam.ready) { //Banner is in app anjam.ExternalBrowser(clickTag); } else{ //Banner is in web window.open(clickTag, “_blank”); } } </script>

In addition to the above specification that applies to all materials, the following guidelines must be followed for materials that are to be uploaded to Schibsted’s advertising server Appnexus.

The material should only contain one (1) index.html file.
All external references must be https.

When submitting HTML zip, the landing page must not be hard-coded in the ad, as Appnexus requires that it be defined in the ad server in connection with uploading the material. Instead, implement the clicks according to the instructions below:

1. Add the following JavaScript to index.html

<script type=”text/javascript”> function getParameterByName(name) { var match = RegExp(‘[?&]’ + name + ‘=([^&]*)’).exec(window.location.search); return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ‘ ‘)); } var clickTag = getParameterByName(‘clickTag’); </script>

2. Add the clickTag variable to any element in the HTML code
Here are some examples:

Example 1 – div

<div onclick=”window.open(clickTag, ‘_blank’);”></div>

Example 2 – JavaScript

<div id=”banner”></div> <script> document.getElementById(“banner”).addEventListener(“click”, function() { window.open(clickTag, ‘_blank’); }, false); </script>

Example 3 – a href

<a href=”javascript:void(0)” onclick=”window.open(clickTag, ‘_blank’);”>

3. Test
Test locally on the computer by opening the html file in the desired browser and then adding
?ClickTag = http: //www.example.com in the browser’s address bar, reloading the page with the new address and then clicking on the banner. If you end up on www.example.com, the banner works as it should.

Here is an example material to download.

GDPR and Data Policy

With the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force as of 25 May 2018, only the following third-party actors are permitted for advertising at Schibsted*:

• Appnexus
• Adcombi
• Adform
• Adssets
• Adtoox
• Artworx
• Audience report
• Bannerflow
• BidTheatre
• Delta Projects
• Doubleclick Campaign Manager
• Doubleverify
• Lystra
• Madington
• Mediamath
• Meetrics
• Polar
• RTB House
• Seenthis
• Synoint
• Swadd
• Tactic
• Quad

For the programmatic business, only the following DSPs are permitted after 25 May 2018*:
• Appnexus
• Adform
• BidTheatre
• Delta
• Google/DV360
• Kobler
• Mediamath
• Platform 161
• Readpeak
• The Trade Desk

The best way to place new bookings is via the Schibsted Self-Serve Admarket, where material is hosted through Adssets.

Other rules of procedure:

Javascript libraries from established actors, such as CreateJS, are approved, on the condition that no cookies or tracking pixels are used.

The hosting of PNG, JPG, GIF and other image and video assets at a CDN, such as Amazon S3, or the advertiser’s own domain, is approved on the condition that no cookies or tracking pixels are used.

Hosting fonts externally is permitted.

The use of Adobe Animate/Edge is permitted.

Internal impact measurement tools that Schibsted offers its advertisers, such as Inizio,
NEPA and RAM, will continue to be permitted.

UTM links are approved.

The lists are updated on an ongoing basis.
Last update: 01/07/2021

Data Policy
You can read the Schibsted Data Policy here.

Cookies Policy
You can read the Schibsted Cookies Policy here.

Personal Data Policy
You can read the Schibsted Personal Data Policy here.


Video In Banner

NOTE! Not to be confused with Outstream which must be produced by Schibsted Production. Note that a video in banner must be produced in HTML5, we can not accept pure MP4 files. Schibsted only measures clicks, impressions and viewability for video in banners.

The guidelines that apply to all display ads must be followed, in addition to these, the following must also be followed:

  • Video in a banner must be uploaded only when the editorial content on the site has finished loading, with so-called polite file loading. This is done by listening to the javascript event window.onload.
  • The video must not play audio automatically, or be activated via mouse-over.
  • The video must not have an audio channel at initial load for ads to go on the mobile. If the user clicks on the banner, it is allowed to upload a new video with an audio channel. This is important because if the audio channel is initially included, other applications that are running at the same time, such as Spotify, can have the audio turned off.
  • The video element must always have playsinline webkit-playsinline in order not to open in full screen.
    Example: <video src = “video.mp4” playsinline webkit-playsinline />
  • MP4 file format with encoding H.264 and baseline profile is recommended.
    AAC encoding is recommended for audio. The combination MP4 and H.264 with AAC audio works well across most devices.
  • Streaming techniques such as HLS and MPEG-DASH are recommended for higher quality video, provided the ad itself selects the correct streaming quality based on the device’s load and internet speed.
  • Schibsted denies ads that do not take into account the device’s load and internet speed.

File weights
The regular file weights of the format (eg panorama) still apply, but in addition to the regular file weight, there is additional leeway for the film if it is to be played automatically (always done with polite load):

Desktop/Tablet: 1000 kb
Mobile: 500 kb

For example, a Video-in-banner for Desktop, Panorama 980×240, must weigh a maximum of 200kb initial load (before the site loads completely), a maximum of 1000kb polite load (after the onload event). For video to be played after clicks from the user, there is no limit, but it is important that you then make sure that the video has not been uploaded before that.

Dimensions: See specifications

Device: Cross Device

File format: See specifications

Max weight: See specifications

Dimensions: See specifications

Device: Cross Device

File format: See specifications

Dimensions: See specifications

Device: Desktop Mobil

File format: See specifications

Max weight: See specifications

Dimensions: 300×480 px

Device: Desktop

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 200 kb

Dimensions: 640×320px

Device: Desktop

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 200 kb

Dimensions: 980×240 px

Device: Desktop

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 200 kb

Dimensions: 320×160 px

Device: Mobil

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 150 kb

Dimensions: 980×120 px

Device: Desktop

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 200 kb

Dimensions: 320×400 px

Device: Mobil

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 200 kb

Dimensions: 1250×360 px

Device: Desktop

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 200 kb

Dimensions: Desktop: 980×240, 980×120, 250×600, 300×480, 640×320 Mobile: 320x160x 320×320 (Requirements for all formats)

Device: Desktop Mobil

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: Desktop: 200 kB, Mobile: 150 kB

Dimensions: Desktop: 980×240, 980×120, 250×600, 300×480, 640×320 Mobile: 320×320px (Requirements for all formats)

Device: Desktop Mobil

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: Desktop: 200 kB, Mobile: 150 kB

Dimensions: 980×240

Device: Desktop

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 200 kb

Desktop – Fullscreen Scroll : 1920×1080, JPG & PNG, max 500kb

Desktop – Takeover: 1920×1080, JPG & PNG, HTML5, max 500kb

Desktop – Welcome Page: 1920×972, JPG, max 500kb

Mobil – Fullscreen Scroll : 640×1136, JPG & PNG, max 200kb

Mobil – Takeover: 640×1136, JPG, PNG & HTML5, max 200kb

Mobil – Welcome Page: 1080×1920, JPG, max 300kb

Dimensions: 300×480 px (200 kB), 250×600 px (200 kB), 320×320 px (150 kB)

Device: Cross Device

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: Desktop (200 kB), Mobil (150 kB)

Dimensions: 1920 × 1080 px (Safe area 1920 x 777 px)

File format: PNG JPG HTML5

Max weight: 500 kb

Dimensions: 1600×900 px

Device: Desktop

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 500 kB


Total size: 1920×972 px

Safearea centered vertically: 1580×450 px (170 px to top)

Max weight: 500kb

Fileformat: JPG, PNG, HTML5 (hosted by Schibsted/Xandr/Appnexus)


Total size: 1080×1920 px

Safearea centered vertically: 1000×850 px (220 px to top)

Maxweight: 300kb

Fileformat: JPG, PNG, HTML5 (hosted by Schibsted/Xandr/Appnexus)

Dimensions: 250×600 px

Device: Desktop

File format: PNG JPG GIF HTML5 Third Party Script

Max weight: 200 kb