Advertise in Some of Sweden’s Largest Newspapers and Magazines
Print is an excellent option for those looking to build brand awareness and reach an engaged audience. In Schibsted’s print portfolio, you’ll find some of Sweden’s largest newspapers and popular magazines, making it easy to find a print solution that fits your marketing goals.
Our Newspapers and Magazines
Click here to submit finished ads
For questions regarding materials, contact
For questions regarding ad bookings (click here).
For questions regarding general meetings and announcements, contact or +46 8-555 00 620.
To ensure the publication of ads on the agreed date, the material must be received by the newspaper at least two business days before publication. SvD does not retrieve ad materials from the customer’s website/FTP or via download services. The ad must be submitted as a PDF file adapted for Swedish daily press.
Link to ICC and job option (click here).
Material Requirements / Responsibility
- Ad dimensions must match the booked size (width x height).
- No crop or registration marks should be included.
- Final material must be delivered as a PDF adapted for daily press.
- We do not recommend exporting PDFs directly from Photoshop, Canva, or any Office programs, as the files may not be printable.
- All colors must be in CMYK.
- Color images must be CMYK-separated using ICC and Joboptions (zip file). Link to ICC and job option (click here).
- All images must have a resolution of 200 dpi. The responsibility for any quality loss due to scaling lies with the material provider.
- Logos should preferably be vectorized for best results.
- Total ink coverage must not exceed 240%.
- All colors used must be set for four-color printing: (C) cyan, (M) magenta, (Y) yellow, (K) black. Note: The dot gain in midtones is 20%. The total ink coverage in images, solid fills, and text must not exceed 240% to prevent smudging during printing.
- Black text should be 100% black (K) and not a mix of CMYK.
- QR codes should be 100% black (K) and not a mix of CMYK.
- Avoid reversed (white) text on a multicolor background. If misalignment occurs, the text may become unreadable. If reversed text is used on a multicolor background, use a linear font of at least 12 pt and semi-bold weight. Reversed text on a solid color background should be at least 10 pt.
Important: We do not accept ads produced in Canva, as these files are not printable.
- All fonts must be embedded in the PDF file.
- TrueType fonts are not accepted as they may cause issues in the printing process.
- All fonts used in the ad (including in logos) must be included in the file.
File Naming
- The file should be named: “CompanyName_Date.pdf” including the booking number, advertiser’s name, and publication date.
- Avoid spaces, special characters (å, ä, ö), and slashes (/) in the file name.
- The file name should follow this format: BookingNumber_AdvertiserName_PublicationDate.pdf
Example: 101332_advertisername_1025.pdf
Downloading PDFX1/a allows RGB and spot colors, meaning it does not guarantee compliance with color space restrictions.
The customer is responsible for ensuring that the high-resolution PDF is produced according to our material specifications. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee print quality.
Newspaper Responsibilities
The newspaper is responsible for ripping, transferring the file between the newspaper and the printing house, and ensuring that the printing plate production is carefully calibrated. The newspaper also ensures that printing is carried out according to Swedish Daily Press standards, with correct density values for the print colors.
Click here to submit finished ads
For questions regarding materials, contact:
Ad booking must be made no later than 10:00 AM two weeks before the insertion date. Booking can be made through your regular contact person, by phone at 08-555 006 00, or by email at
Cancellation or Change
Cancellations or changes to bookings must be made in writing and submitted no later than 10:00 AM two weeks before the insertion date. When canceling part of a campaign, the newspaper reserves the right to charge for the incorrectly received discount.
Ad Submission
Finished ad material must be submitted no later than 10:00 AM two weeks before the insertion date. Material should be delivered as a printable PDF file following our guidelines for magazine supplements. Finished ad material can be submitted here via Schibsted’s Ad Reception.
Formats and Prices
All prices indicated include advertising tax. VAT is additional.
Payment Terms
Payment is due ten days from the invoice date. Late payments will incur a reminder fee and interest calculated according to § 6 of the Swedish Interest Act.
Complaints about published ads must be made within three working days after publication, and invoices within eight days. Errors in ad material submitted after the material deadline cannot be claimed.
Ad Review
The newspapers reserve the right to decline unsuitable ads.
Newspaper Responsibility
Responsibility for errors in ads is limited to the cost of the ad. No liability is assumed for damages due to omitted or incorrectly produced ads.
Click here to submit finished ads
For questions regarding materials, contact
For questions regarding ad bookings (click here).
For questions regarding general meetings and announcements, contact or +46 8-555 00 620.
To ensure the publication of ads on the agreed date, the material must be received by the newspaper at least two business days before publication. SvD does not retrieve ad materials from the customer’s website/FTP or via download services. The ad must be submitted as a PDF file adapted for Swedish daily press.
Link to ICC and job option (click here).
Material Requirements / Responsibility
- Ad dimensions must match the booked size (width x height).
- No crop or registration marks should be included.
- Final material must be delivered as a PDF adapted for daily press.
- We do not recommend exporting PDFs directly from Photoshop, Canva, or any Office programs, as the files may not be printable.
- All colors must be in CMYK.
- Color images must be CMYK-separated using ICC and Joboptions (zip file). Link to ICC and job option (click here).
- All images must have a resolution of 200 dpi. The responsibility for any quality loss due to scaling lies with the material provider.
- Logos should preferably be vectorized for best results.
- Total ink coverage must not exceed 240%.
- All colors used must be set for four-color printing: (C) cyan, (M) magenta, (Y) yellow, (K) black. Note: The dot gain in midtones is 20%. The total ink coverage in images, solid fills, and text must not exceed 240% to prevent smudging during printing.
- Black text should be 100% black (K) and not a mix of CMYK.
- QR codes should be 100% black (K) and not a mix of CMYK.
- Avoid reversed (white) text on a multicolor background. If misalignment occurs, the text may become unreadable. If reversed text is used on a multicolor background, use a linear font of at least 12 pt and semi-bold weight. Reversed text on a solid color background should be at least 10 pt.
Important: We do not accept ads produced in Canva, as these files are not printable.
- All fonts must be embedded in the PDF file.
- TrueType fonts are not accepted as they may cause issues in the printing process.
- All fonts used in the ad (including in logos) must be included in the file.
File Naming
- The file should be named: “CompanyName_Date.pdf” including the booking number, advertiser’s name, and publication date.
- Avoid spaces, special characters (å, ä, ö), and slashes (/) in the file name.
- The file name should follow this format: BookingNumber_AdvertiserName_PublicationDate.pdf
Example: 101332_advertisername_1025.pdf
Downloading PDFX1/a allows RGB and spot colors, meaning it does not guarantee compliance with color space restrictions.
The customer is responsible for ensuring that the high-resolution PDF is produced according to our material specifications. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee print quality.
Newspaper Responsibilities
The newspaper is responsible for ripping, transferring the file between the newspaper and the printing house, and ensuring that the printing plate production is carefully calibrated. The newspaper also ensures that printing is carried out according to Swedish Daily Press standards, with correct density values for the print colors.